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Défense de savoir

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1973 August, 30
99 minutes
Crime / Drama / Thriller
Production Company:

When the police find Simone seated near her husband's corpse it is predictable that she is charged with the murder. Jean-Pierre Laubray is appointed counsel for the defence. He begins an inquiry into the case and he finds out that the murdered man had killed a barman in a robbery the night before. He finds out as well he was a leg-man of Cristiani's for his election campaign. He tries to contact Juliette, Cristiani's daughter, and he discovers that also Bruno, Juliette's brother, died that same night in a car accident... - IMDb

Die Angst vor der Wahrheit West Germany
Apagorevmeni gnosi (transliterated title) Greece
Défense de savoir France
Défense de savoir Sweden
Défense de savoir Singapore
Forbidden to Know  
Gefährliches Wissen East Germany
Mord paßt nicht in sein Konzept West Germany
Prohibido saber Spain
L'uomo in basso a destra nella fotografia Italy
Verboden te weten Belgium
La verdad prohibida Argentina
Verdade Interdita Portugal
Zabrania się wiedzieć Poland
Απαγορεύεται να ξέρεις Greece

Children's Cast:

Marie Trintignant [11] La petite fille Marie
