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Srecna nova '49

Happy New Year (United Kingdom)
Happy New Year - 1949 (USA: literal English title)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1986 June, 27
125 minutes
Action / Comedy / Crime / Drama / Romance
Production Company:

The story of two brothers of different orientation and fate. The drama takes place in an atmosphere of tension and fear, during the conflict of Yugoslav Communist Party with the Stalinism, during the Cominform. Older brother Dragoslav, a returnee from Russia, was unjustly accused of being a Russian spy and subsequently arrested. Younger brother Kosta is not interested in politics, but he's attracted by a brother's wife Vera and underworld mafia. In the end, it turns out that a young woman belongs to the Soviet spy agency. - IMDb

Boldog 1949-es évet! Hungary
Happy New '49 Japan
Happy New Year United Kingdom
Happy New Year USA
Happy New Year  
Happy New Year - 1949 (literal English title) USA
Srecna nova '49 Yugoslavia
Srecna nova '49 Serbia
Srekna nova 1949-ta (alternative transliteration) North Macedonia
Счастливого Нового 1949-го Soviet Union
ハッピー '49 Japan