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A Little Thing Called Murder (TV)

Dead End (USA)
A Little Thing Called Murder (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2006 January, 23
90 minutes
Comedy / Drama

Sante Kimes found a rich man, Ken, but he wasn't dumb enough to marry her. So her son Kenny Jr. isn't co-heir with his step-siblings. However the boy is made her accomplice in an endless series of shameless crimes, from shoplifting to elaborate scams. After her four year jail term, Kenny is unable to escape her clasp again. When his father dies, he's dragged along throughout the US as an 'enforcer' for even more daring crimes, as she's determined to avoid jail - by murdering dangerous witnesses. - IMDb

Сын патологической лгуньи, воровки и мошенницы Шанте Каймс полностью разделял жизненные принципы матери. Вдвоем они колесили по всей Америке, зарабатывая на жизнь в основном подделкой чеков. Когда налоговая полиция заинтересовалась их делишками, Шанте уговорила адвоката сжечь компрометирующие документы, а потом убила его. Это было лишь первое в серии убийств, совершенных матерью и сыном...

Crime em Família Brazil
Családi bűnbanda Hungary
Dead End USA
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Esa tontería llamada asesinato Spain
Innocenti omicidi Italy
Das Kleine Mord-Problem West Germany
A Little Thing Called Murder Greece
A Little Thing Called Murder USA
Mãe, Filha... Crime Portugal
La mère et le fils Canada
殺人なんて些細なこと Japan

Children's Cast:

Jake D. Smith [9] Young Kenny Kimes
Alexander Ludwig [13] Kenny at 11 / 12 yrs.
