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Urban Ghost Story

Urban Ghost Story (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1998 August, 1
United Kingdom
82 minutes
Drama / Horror
Production Company:
$ 500 000

After a car accident, Lizzie lies dead on the roadside - slowly she is taken into the light - but is pulled back to earth when she is revived by the doctors. Lizzie feels sure that during the 184 seconds that she lay dead, something latched on to her and came back into her world. The nightmares and visions that follow only crystallize her belief that she should have died in the crash... Then the disturbances start, at first merely tappings and bad smells - but soon the activity escalates. Lizzie seems to be the focus, but according to others, she's just playing games for attention. Only when Kate, her mother, is confronted with inexplicable events does she face the possibility that they may be the victims of a poltergeist infestation. - IMDb

Лиз лежит на дороге, ее только-что сбила машина – она видит свет и медленно идет к нему, но этот свет приводит ее в больничную палату. Доктора спасли ей жизнь. Но Лиз уверена, что за 184 секунды, которые она была без сознания, что-то в ней переменилось...

Ghost Story Philippines
Inkräktaren Sweden
Kísértett város Hungary
Paranormal Ghost Story West Germany
Urban Ghost Story United Kingdom
Urban Ghost Story USA
История городских призраков Russia

Children's Cast:

Alan Owen Alex Fisher
Aaron White Kevin
Joss Castell-Gydesen Baby Jack
Adam Schofield Student
