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Sonny Loy

Date of Birth:
Year of Death:
Position in Top:
- (26185 in total)

Filmography at young age:

1. The Divine Woman 1928
2. Mr. Wu .... Little Wu 1927
3. Ask Grandma .... Sing Joy 1925
4. The Love Bug .... Sing Joy 1925
5. The Mysterious Mystery! .... Sing 1924
6. Every Man for Himself .... Sing Joy 1924
7. The Sun Down Limited .... Sing Joy 1924
8. High Society .... Sing Joy 1924
9. Cradle Robbers .... Sing Joy 1924
10. Big Business .... Sing Joy 1924
11. Derby Day .... Sing Joy 1923
12. Lotus Blossom .... Child 1921
13. The First Born .... Chan Toy 1921