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Dickie Humphreys

Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
December, 27 1977
Was Born in:
Position in Top:
- (26185 in total)

Filmography at young age:

1. My Reputation .... Jitterbug 1946
2. Shine on Harvest Moon .... Young Tap Dancer 1944
3. Hi, Buddy .... Dick Humphries 1943
4. Johnny Doughboy .... Dickie 1942
5. Moonlight in Havana .... A Jivin' Jack 1942
6. Melodies Old and New .... Dancer 1942
7. This Woman Is Mine .... Boy 1941
8. Time Out for Lessons .... Kid Who Speaks to Buckwheat 1939
9. The Star Maker .... Chicago 1939