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Gary Stewart

Position in Top:
- (26185 in total)

Filmography at young age:

1. Family Theatre (TV series 1949-1958)
Episode: A Picture of the Magi
2. The Young Stranger .... Boy 1957
3. Telephone Time (TV series 1956-1958) .... Zoltan / Jimmy Devlin
Episode: Plot to Save a Boy
4. Her Twelve Men .... Stanley 1954
5. The Eddie Cantor Story .... Minor Role 1953
6. Torch Song .... Eddie 1953
7. Girls in the Night .... Teenager 1953
8. Mr. & Mrs. North (TV series) .... Digger
Episode: Comic-Strip Tease
9. Talk About a Stranger .... Boy 1952
10. Here Come the Nelsons .... Boy 1952
11. David and Bathsheba .... Shepherd Boy 1951
12. Thunder on the Hill .... Child 1951