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Lina Basquette

Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
September, 30 1994
Position in Top:
- (14543 in total)

Filmography at young age:

1. Penrod 1922
2. The Weaker Vessel .... Jessie 1919
3. Little Mariana's Triumph .... Mariana 1917
4. A Prince for a Day .... Rose Marie - the Flower Girl / Prince Paul 1917
5. A Romany Rose .... Rozeska 1917
6. A Dream of Egypt .... Dorothy 1917
7. The Star Witness .... Lolo - Annie' 1917
8. The Gates of Doom .... Agatha as a child 1917
9. His Wife's Relatives .... Kid Sister 1917
10. Polly Put the Kettle On .... Nellie Vance 1917
11. The Caravan .... Saia 1916
12. The Human Cactus .... One of the Children 1916
13. Shoes .... Eva's Sister 1916
14. The Grip of Crime .... Santa Marro 1916
15. Brother Jim .... Margie Marsh 1916
16. The Dance of Love 1916
17. The Dumb Girl of Portici .... Child 1916