Ex (1991) United Kingdom
Ex (2009) Italy, France
Ex - Amici come prima! (2011) Italy
Ex - Eine romantische Komödie (2008) Austria
Ex de ma vie, L' (2014) France, Italy
Ex Gratia (2020) USA
Ex Oblivione (2011) USA
Ex, L' (1996) Canada, France
Ex, Les (2017) France
Ex, The (1996) Canada, USA
Ex-Mrs. Bradford, The (1936) USA
Ex-PM, The (2015) Australia
Exactly What's Going On? (2015) South Korea
Examen, L' (1981) France
Example, The (2016) USA
Excalibur (1981) USA, United Kingdom
Excellent Cadavers (1999) Italy, USA
Excelsior (2018) Canada
Excess Baggage (1926) USA
Excess Baggage (2014) USA
Excision (2012) USA
Exclusive (1937) USA
Exclusive Story (1936) USA
Exclusive: Brian Unger Interviews Billy Brawny (2013) USA
Excursão às nascentes do Xingu (1944) Brazil
Excursie (2014) Romania
Excuse Me (1925) USA
Excuse me po (2018) Philippines
Excuse Me, Santa? (2020) USA
Excuse My Dust (1951) USA
Excuse My French (2014) Egypt
Executive Decision (1996) USA
Executive Suite (1954) USA
Executive Suite (1976) USA
Executor (2017) USA
Exemption of Hunter Riley, The (2010) USA
Exercise in Discipline: Peel, An (1986) Australia
Exes, The (2011) USA
Exeter (2014) USA
Exeter (2015) USA
Exhale (2015) USA
Exhibit A: Secrets of Forensic Science (1997) Canada
Exile (1990) USA
Exile, The (1991) USA
Existence (2012) New Zealand
Exit (2019) Norway
Exit (2005) Belgium
Exit 13 (2014) USA
Exit 19 (2009) USA
Exit 19 (2011) USA
Exit 33 (2011) USA
Exit 7 (1978) Netherlands, Belgium
Exit 9 (2003) USA
Exit Humanity (2011) Canada
Exit Kid: Caesar (2017) USA
Exit Marrakech (2013) Germany
Exit Smiling (1926) USA
Exit the Castle (2010) USA
Exit to Eden (1994) USA
Exitium (2016) Denmark
Exodus (2020) Netherlands
Exodus (2007) United Kingdom
Exodus (2017) Canada, USA
Exodus (2023) Sweden
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) United Kingdom, Spain, USA
Exodus? (2009) USA
Exorcismo de Carmen Farías, El (2021) Mexico
Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) USA
Exorcist III, The (1990) USA
Exorcist, The (2016) USA
Exorcist, The (1973) USA
Exorcist: Believer, The (2023) USA
Exorcist: The Beginning (2004) USA
Exosquad (1993) USA, Canada
Exotica (1994) Canada
Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia, The (2020) USA
Expanse, The (2015) USA
Expecting a Miracle (2009) USA
Expediente Sama: Que me das amor, El (2018) Mexico
Expeditia (1988) Romania
Expeditie van Familie Vos, De (2020) Netherlands
Experience, The (2019) USA
Experiencia prematrimonial (1972) Spain
Experiment 2.0, Het (2016) Netherlands
Experiment Bootcamp (2004) Germany
Experiment Eva (1985) Czechoslovakia
Experiment in Terror (1962) USA
Experiment Perilous (1944) USA
Experimental Witch, The (2008) South Africa, USA
Experimental Witch, The (2009) Australia, Italy, Germany, France
Experimenter (2015) USA
Experimentum crucis (1995) Kazakhstan
Expert Attempters (2019) USA
Expert Witness (2003) USA
Expert, The (1932) USA
Expert, The (1968) United Kingdom
Experte, Der (1988) West Germany
Experti (2006) Czech Republic
Expertises (2018) France
Experts* (2018) USA
Expired (2013) USA
Explicit Ills (2008) USA
Exploits at West Poley (1985) United Kingdom
Exploits d'Arsène Lupin, Les (1996) France, Canada
Exploits d'un jeune Don Juan, Les (1986) France, Italy
Explorer, The (1955) United Kingdom
Explorers (1985) USA
Exploring Ontario's Provincial Parks (1993) Canada
Explosive Generation, The (1961) USA
Explózia (1982) Czechoslovakia
Expo (2012) USA
Exposé (2018) USA
Exposé (1998) Sweden, USA
Expose of the Nudist Racket, The (1938) USA
Exposé, L' (1993) France
Exposé, L' (2015) France
Exposed (2003) USA
Exposed (2016) USA
Exposed (1932) USA
Exposed (2010) USA
Exposition (2014) Canada
Exposure (2012) USA
Exposure (1932) USA
Express (2022) Spain
Express (1968) West Germany
Express Yourself (2001) USA
Express, The (2008) USA, Germany
Expresso (2011) France
Expulsion (2011) USA
Exquisite Tenderness (1995) USA, United Kingdom, Germany
Extant (2014) USA
Extended Stay (2011) USA
Extending the Cut (2012) USA
ExTerminators (2009) USA
Extinct (2017) USA
Extinction (2015) Spain, USA, Hungary, France
Extinction (2018) USA
Extortion (2017) USA, Puerto Rico
Extra Innings (2019) USA
Extra Mile, The (2008) United Kingdom
Extra Ordinary Barry (2008) USA
Extra Terrestres (2016) Puerto Rico, Venezuela
Extra Time (2016) United Kingdom
Extra! Extra! (1988) Canada
Extra-dry: Carnevale 1910 - Carnevale 1913 (1914) Italy
Extra-Ordinary Amy (2018) Canada
Extracted (2012) USA
Extraction (2020) USA
Extracurricular Activities (2019) USA
Extrait de naissance (1989) France
Extralarge: Yo-Yo (1992) USA, Germany, Italy
Extraña presencia, La (1995) Mexico
Extraño (2003) Argentina, France, Netherlands, Switzerland
Extraño hijo del Sheriff, El (1982) Mexico
Extraños caminos del amor (1981) Mexico
Extraordinaire Petros, L' (1965) France, Greece
Extraordinaire voyage de Marona, L' (2019) France, Romania, Belgium
Extraordinary (2015) USA
Extraordinary (2017) USA
Extraordinary Feats of the Seventh Period (2011) United Kingdom
Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir, The (2018) France, USA, Belgium, Singapore, India
Extraordinary Life of Rocky, The (2010) Belgium
Extraordinary Measures (2010) USA
Extraordinary People (2003) United Kingdom
Extras (2005) United Kingdom, USA
Extraterrestre, L' (2000) France
Extraterrestrial (2014) Canada, USA
Extreme Adventures of Super Dave, The (2000) USA
Extreme Close-Up (1990) USA
Extreme Dinosaurs (1997) USA
Extreme Ghostbusters (1997) USA
Extreme Honor (2001) USA
Extrême limite (1994) France
Extremedays (2001) USA
Extremely Dangerous (1999) United Kingdom
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011) USA
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019) USA
Extroverted (2021) Canada
Exuvia (2024) Canada