Plenilunio (1999)
Spain, France After a murder of a child, a cynical detective has a romance with the child's teacher...
User Rating: 6.7/10
Votes: 13
A Stranger Is Watching (1982)
USA The 11-year old daughter and girlfriend of a man whose wife had been raped and killed in front of his daughter three years earlier are kidnapped by the same killer...
Tyven, tyven (2002)
Norway A family road movie...
User Rating: 6.0/10
Votes: 6
Pippi Långstrump på de sju haven (1970)
Sweden, West Germany With their parents on vacation, Tommy and Annika spend time with their wonderful friend Pippi Longstocking at her cottage Villa Villekulla, until she finds a bottle with a message from her father Captain Efraim Longstocking, who warns her that he was captured by a band of evil pirates led by Blood-Svente and Jock the Knife, who hold him prisoner in their castle on the island of Porto Piluse, so they can find the secret location of his treasure...
User Rating: 5.2/10
Votes: 4
Wrony (1994)
Poland A crow is a raucous, abrasive, unloved bird, and an apt nickname for the lead character in Dorota Kedzierzawska's Crows -- a 9-year old girl who possesses all of the above characteristics (although the first two could be the result of the third)...
User Rating: 6.6/10
Votes: 16
Amazone (2000)
France, Spain The hoped for peaceful life of a retired man living quietly in a jungle village is shaken when an eight year old alien from Mars falls in his midst.
User Rating: 6.4/10
Votes: 12