As Aventuras Assustadoras de Billy e Mandy |
Portugal |
As Terríveis Aventuras de Billy e Mandy |
Brazil |
Billy és Mandy kalandjai a Kaszással |
Hungary |
Billy et Mandy, aventuriers de l'au-delà |
France |
Billy, Mandy & symmoria tis geitonias (transliterated title) |
Greece |
Cuộc Phiêu Lưu Grim của Billy & Mandy |
Vietnam |
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy |
Australia |
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (new title) |
Canada |
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy |
Canada |
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy |
United Kingdom |
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (new title) |
India |
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy |
India |
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (new title) |
Die Gruseligen Abenteuer von Billy und Mandy |
West Germany |
Grymma sagor med Billy och Mandy |
Sweden |
Las macabras aventuras de Billy y Mandy |
Spain |
Las sombrías aventuras de Billy y Mandy |
Mexico |
Las sombrías aventuras de Billy y Mandy |
Peru |
Las sombrías aventuras de Billy y Mandy |
Argentina |
Mroczne przygody Billy'ego i Mandy |
Poland |
Le tenebrose avventure di Billy & Mandy |
Italy |
Билли мен Мэндидің қайғылы оқиғалары |
Kazakhstan |
Приключения Билли и Мэнди |
Russia |
Сабласне пустоловине Билија и Манди |
Serbia |
大鼻與酷蒂 (new title) |
Taiwan |
怪誕骷髏魔 |
Taiwan |
愛酷一族 |
Taiwan |