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Highway Patrol (TV series 1955-1959)

Highway Patrol (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

Powerful patrol cars, fast motorcycles, and superheterodyne two-way radios combine to fight crime on the rural highways of America's wide open spaces. - IMDb

Highway Patrol Australia
Highway Patrol Canada
Highway Patrol Canada
Highway Patrol Finland
Highway Patrol United Kingdom
Highway Patrol India
Highway Patrol Philippines
Highway Patrol USA
Patrulla de caminos Argentina
Patrulla de caminos Mexico
Patrulla de tráfico Ecuador
Patrulla de tráfico Spain
La pattuglia della strada Italy
Streifenwagen 2150 West Germany
Дорожный патруль Soviet Union
ハイウェイ パトロール Japan

Children's Cast:

Eugene Mazzola [11] Billy Redmond (TV Episode: Brave Boy) (1959)
Patty Ann Gerrity [8] Little girl / Girl on beach (TV Episode: Harbor Story) (1956)
Mimi Gibson [9] Debbie Tobin / Kathy Marshall (TV Episode: Rabies) (1957)
Rickey Murray [14] Danny Sears (TV Episode: Foster Child) (1958)
Brad Morrow [14] Jimmy Adams (TV Episode: Runaway Boy) (1956)
Gregory Moffett [13] Eddie Streeter (TV Episode: Runaway Boy) (1956)
Scotty Morrow [11] Jimmy Wylie (TV Episode: Officer's Wife) (1957)
Jimmy Baird [13] Tommy Norton (TV Episode: Dan Sick) (1958)
Paul Engle [8] Jimmy James (TV Episode: License Plates) (1956)
Bobby Mittelstaedt [8] Billy Peterson (TV Episode: Prison Break) (1955)
David Halper [10] Tommy Evans (TV Episode: Wounded) (1957)
