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Power Rangers in Space (TV series 1998-1999)

Power Rangers in Space (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1998 February, 6
30 minutes
Action / Adventure / Family / Sci-Fi


The most evil forces of the universe (Rita & Zedd, the Machine Empire and Divatox) have formed an alliance with the monarch of all evil, Dark Specter. With Zordon as his prisoner, Dark Specter will use Zordon's powers to spread evil across the universe. Meanwhile Cassie, Ashley, Carlos and T.J. (4 of the 5 newest power rangers) have journeyed into space and teamed up with Andros, a human from the space colony of KO-35, in the mission to rescue Zordon. On their way they battle the forces of Dark Specter's most loyal servant, Astronema, the princess of evil. She and her army of monsters, star-fighters and Quantrons will stop at nothing to prevent the rangers from reaching Zordon. - IMDb

Power Rangers en el espacio Mexico
Power Rangers in Space Israel
Power Rangers in Space India
Power Rangers in Space Italy
Power Rangers in Space South Korea
Power Rangers in Space Netherlands
Power Rangers in Space Philippines
Power Rangers in Space Singapore
Power Rangers in Space USA
Power Rangers in Space South Africa
Power Rangers in Space United Arab Emirates
Power Rangers in Space Australia
Power Rangers in Space Canada
Power Rangers in Space Canada
Power Rangers in Space West Germany
Power Rangers in Space Ecuador
Power Rangers in Space United Kingdom
Power Rangers in Space Indonesia
Power Rangers no Espaço Brazil
Power Rangers: Dans l'espace France
Power Rangers: No Espaço Portugal
Моћни ренџери у свемиру Serbia
Могучие рейнджеры в космосе Russia
パワーレンジャー・イン・スペース Japan

Children's Cast:

Blake Foster [13] Justin Stewart / Blue Turbo Ranger (TV Episode: True Blue to the Rescue) (1998)
