Batman - pelottomat |
Finland |
Batman el valiente |
Venezuela |
Batman, el valiente |
Argentina |
Batman, el valiente |
Mexico |
Batman: A bátor és a vakmerõ |
Hungary |
Batman: L'Alliance des héros |
France |
Batman: Neînfricat şi cutezător |
Romania |
Batman: Odvázný hrdina |
Czechoslovakia |
Batman: Odważni i bezwzględni |
Poland |
Batman: Oi nees peripeteies (transliterated title) |
Greece |
Batman: Os Bravos e Destemidos |
Brazil |
Batman: Os Valentes e Audazes |
Portugal |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Italy |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Netherlands |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Philippines |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Singapore |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
South Africa |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
United Arab Emirates |
Batman: The Brave and The Bold |
United Kingdom |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Australia |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Canada |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Canada |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
West Germany |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
Ecuador |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
India |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold |
India |
Betmenas ir narsuoliu komanda |
Lithuania |
El Intrépido Batman |
Spain |
Người Dơi: Can Đảm và Gan Dạ |
Vietnam |
Бетмен: Храбри и смели |
Serbia |
Бэтмен: Отважный и смелый |
Russia |
バットマン:ブレイブ&ボールド |
Japan |
蝙蝠俠:智勇悍將 |
Taiwan |
배트맨 - 브레이브 앤 더 볼드 |
South Korea |