The series revolves around Evie Ethel Garland, who is the daughter of Troy and Donna Garland. However, Troy is an alien from the planet Antereus. As a benefit of her half-alien parentage, Evie develops three powers as the series progresses. She can pause and un-pause time, "gleep" objects into existence, and can transport herself from one place to another. Troy is living on Antereus and is never seen, but Evie talks to him via a crystal cube. Evie is thirteen at the beginning of the series and lives with her mother in Marlowe, California. Visitors to the Garland home include Donna's brother Beano Froelich; the mayor Kyle Applegate, a former actor; Lindsey Selkirk, Evie's best friend; Chris Fuller, Evie's boyfriend; and Buzz, who tends to take things literally. Episodes usually revolve around Evie getting herself out of a situation that she has caused. - IMDb
Комедийный сериал о том, как у Донны и инопланетного загадочного пришельца рождается ребёнок — с виду это обычная девочка, но на самом деле она обладает сверхспособностями: например, может останавливать время или превращать одни предметы в другие. Это порождает массу комических ситуаций…
Cose dell'altro mondo | Italy |
Dünyanın Ötesinden | Turkey |
Fuera de este mundo | Mexico |
Fuera de este mundo | Peru |
Loin de ce monde | France |
Mein Vater ist ein Außerirdischer | West Germany |
Mein Vater ist ein Außerirdischer | West Germany |
De Otro mundo | Spain |
Out of This World | Australia |
Out of This World | Canada |
Out of This World | Canada |
Out of This World | Ecuador |
Out of This World | United Kingdom |
Out of This World | Netherlands |
Out of This World | Singapore |
Out of This World | USA |
Papá de lejos | Chile |
Űrapu | Hungary |
Фантастическая девушка | Soviet Union |
Miko Hughes [4] | Younger Billy (TV Episode: Four Men and a Baby) (1990) | |
Christina Nigra [12] | Lindsay Selkirk (TV Episode: Evie's Eighteen) (1987) | |
Carl Steven [13] | Quigley Handlesman (TV Episode: The Illness) (1987) | |
Chance Michael Corbitt [15] | Frankie (TV Episode: Evie's False Alarm) (1991) | |
Scott Nemes [13] | Alex (TV Episode: Beano's New Diet Clinic) (1987) | |
Melanie Gaffin [14] | Fifties Daughter (TV Episode: Fifties Mom) (1987) |