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Checkmate (TV series 1960-1962)

Ajedrez fatal (USA)
Checkmate (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb


Don Corey and Jed Sills operate Checkmate, Inc., a very high priced detective agency in San Francisco. Helping them protect the lives of their clients is British criminologist (once an Oxford professor) Carl Hyatt. - IMDb

Ajedrez fatal Spain
Ajedrez fatal Mexico
Ajedrez fatal USA
Checkmate Canada
Checkmate Ecuador
Checkmate USA
Checkmate West Germany
Échec et mat France
Scacco matto Italy
チェックメイト Japan

Children's Cast:

Peter Lazer [15] Cadet William Edgerton Gray (TV Episode: Tight as a Drum) (1961)
Warren Hsieh [11] The First Boy (TV Episode: In a Foreign Quarter) (1962)
Dennis Rush [9] Freighter Blaisden / Tommy Lako (TV Episode: Tight as a Drum) (1961)
Philip Grayson [16] Cadet Danny Slocum (TV Episode: Tight as a Drum) (1961)
Jimmy Carter Leo (TV Episode: An Assassin Arrives, Andante) (1962)
