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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (TV series 1964-1968)

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb


Voyage chronicled the adventures of the world's first privately owned nuclear submarine, the SSRN Seaview. Designed by Admiral Harriman Nelson, she was a tool of oceanographic research for the Nelson Institute of Marine Research. Though the show is known for its "monster" episodes, many plots were veiled commentaries of what was happening in the news. Such plotlines as nuclear doomsday, pollution of natural resources, foreign threat, and theft of American technology are all still relevant today. - IMDb

Mission Seaview West Germany
Die Seaview - In geheimer Mission West Germany
Die Seaview - In geheimer Mission West Germany
Viagem ao Fundo do Mar Brazil
Viaggio in fondo al mare Italy
Viaje al fondo del mar Spain
Viaje al fondo del mar Mexico
Viaje al fondo del mar Venezuela
Viatge al fons del mar Spain
Voyage au fond des mers France
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea South Africa
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Australia
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Canada
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Canada
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Ecuador
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea United Kingdom
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Netherlands
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Singapore
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea USA
Wyprawa na dno morza Poland
Путешествие на дно океана Soviet Union
原子力潜水艦シービュー号 Japan

Children's Cast:

Michel Petit Prince Ang (TV Episode: Long Live the King) (1964)
Greger Vigen [10] The Boy (TV Episode: The Village of Guilt) (1964)
Bobby Beakman [15] Jimmy Bryce (TV Episode: The Ghost of Moby Dick) (1964)
