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It's a Man's World (TV series)

It's a Man's World (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1962 September, 17
60 minutes
Drama / Comedy

Wes and Tom-Tom are friends going to college and with musician Vern share a houseboat. Wes also watches out for his younger brother Howie and the four of them deal with girls, jobs, and school. Occasionally the boys get serious but more often they use humor to handle situations. - IMDb

It's a Man's World Australia
It's a Man's World Canada
It's a Man's World USA
Unruhige Jahre West Germany
青春の河 Japan

Children's Cast:

Michael Burns [15] Howie Macauley (TV Episode: Night Beat of the Tom-Tom) (1962)
Bernadette Withers [16] Ina Babcock (TV Episode: The Long Way Around) (1962)
Diane Mountford [15] Cathy Brubaker (TV Episode: Winter Story) (1963)
Jim Halferty [14] Richie Masters (TV Episode: The Long Way Around) (1962)
