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Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play

Hidden World 2 (USA)
Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1997 February, 11
United Kingdom
Adventure / Comedy / Family / Fantasy


Dr Tuttle uses the Doppelganger to breach a mirror, letting Dragora, Dabble and Swanson into the people world. Dragora uses this opportunity to get revenge on Mary Margaret, by way of having her over for tea. - IMDb

Hidden World 2 USA
Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play United Kingdom
Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play Italy
Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play Romania
Magiczne zwierciadło 2: Czas trwa Poland
Le miroir aux merveilles 2 France
O Espelho Mágico 2 Brazil
Tükröm, tükröm 2: A varázskapu titka Hungary
魔鏡歷險2 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Jamie Renée Smith [9] Mary Margaret Dennis
