The plot revolves around a series of murders committed by an unknown assailant intent on keeping the deaths of a small child and her father unsolved. As is the case with most gialli, there's a detective one step behind the murderer, a lush and creepy music score (this time by Morricone), a houseful of suspects, creative and illogical murders, and a downbeat and melancholy plot. What elevates this one above all the others made in that banner year for the genre (1971), though, is the detail given to the script and production. The characters are all fully formed and functional to the story, which itself is well thought-out and clever. The resolution is well-handled, and even if the killer's identity is impossible to guess beforehand, the means in which he (or she) is finally discovered will make you smile. Add to this one of the saddest musical-score main themes in movie history, featuring a woman's voice singing a haunting child's melody, and you have a giallo that fans of the genre should definitely not miss.
Сюжет вертится вокруг неуловимого убийцы, который устраняет каждого, кто хоть на дюйм приблизится к его тайне, а именно к давнишнему нераскрытому делу о похищении и последующем убийстве девочки и её отца. Невидимому душителю противостоит инспектор Лука Перетти (Джордж Хилтон). Он посещает людей, которые хоть как-то могут помочь в этом деле, а следующей же ночью убийца приходит к ничего не подозревающим жертвам, не давая им полностью раскрыть его тайну... Сможет ли инспектор остановить череду кровавых убийств или же сам падет жертвой неизвестного?
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 25% | 3 |
9 | 8% | 1 |
8 | 17% | 2 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 17% | 2 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 8% | 1 |
3 | 17% | 2 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 8% | 1 |
12 |
La chatte de la voisine (reissue title) | France |
Folie Meurtrière | Canada |
Folie meurtrière | France |
Mi querido asesino | Mexico |
Mio caro assassino | Italy |
Mio caro assassino | Japan |
Mon cher assassin | France |
My Dear Killer | Canada |
My Dear Killer | United Kingdom |
My Dear Killer | USA |
My Dear Killer | |
O Carrasco da Mão Negra | Brazil |
La ronda De La Muerte (video box title) | Argentina |
Sumario sangriento de la pequeña Estefania | Spain |
Time to Kill, Darling (DVD box title) | West Germany |
Мой дорогой убийца | Soviet Union |
我亲爱的杀手 | China |
Lara Wendel [6] | Stefania Moroni |