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Show Boat

Show Boat (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1929 March, 16
147 minutes
Drama / Musical / Romance
Production Company:

The film begins with Magnolia, daughter of Captain Andy Hawks and his domineering wife Parthy, enjoying her childhood aboard her father's show boat. Parthy, irritated over the supposed influence of leading lady Julie (Magnolia's idol and best friend) fires her, despite her husband's objections. Many years later, Magnolia is a young woman and becomes a leading lady. Her leading man is Gaylord Ravenal, a riverboat gambler with whom she falls in love and elopes. But the sudden and unexpected death of Captain Andy forces the couple to leave the boat and move to Chicago rather than endure the disapproving Parthy, and Ravenal's gambling luck soon runs out. Then, Parthy announces she's coming to visit. - IMDb

Boêmios Brazil
Bohemios - El teatro flotante (original subtitled version) Argentina
Das Komödiantenschiff Austria
Das Komödiantenschiff West Germany
Lakrdijaški brod (literal title) Yugoslavia
Lod komediantu Czechoslovakia
Show Boat Belgium
Show Boat Denmark
Show Boat United Kingdom
Show Boat USA
Show-Boat Austria
Show-Boat France
Şovbot Turkey
Teaterbåden Denmark
Teaterbåten Sweden
Teatterilaiva Finland
Плавучий театр Soviet Union
ショウ・ボート(1929) Japan

Children's Cast:

Matthew 'Stymie' Beard [4] Child
