A Bernáthegyi |
Hungary |
Câinele care a oprit războiul |
Romania |
Il cane che fermò la guerra |
Italy |
The Dog Who Stopped the War |
The Dog Who Stopped the War |
Canada |
The Dog Who Stopped the War |
United Kingdom |
The Dog Who Stopped the War |
The Dog Who Stopped the War |
Garotos em Guerra |
Brazil |
The Great Snowball War (video box title) |
Australia |
A Guerra de Bolas de Neve |
Portugal |
La guerre des tuques |
Canada |
La guerre des tuques |
Japan |
La guerre des tuques |
France |
Kako je pas zaustavio rat |
Yugoslavia |
A Kutya, aki megállította a háborút |
Hungary |
Lumisota |
Finland |
Luvornas krig |
Sweden |
O Cão Que Parou a Guerra |
Portugal |
Pas koji je zaustavio rat |
Serbia |
El Perro que detuvo la guerra |
Mexico |
El Perro que paró la guerra |
Peru |
El Perro que paró la guerra |
Argentina |
Der Schneeballkrieg |
West Germany |
Der Schneeballkrieg |
West Germany |
Sneeuwballenoorlog |
Netherlands |
Το σκυλί που σταμάτησε τον πόλεμο |
Greece |
Собака, остановившая войну |
Soviet Union |