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My Love Came Back

Episode (USA)
Men on Her Mind (USA)
My Love Came Back (Australia)
Two Loves Have I (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1940 July, 13
85 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Music
Production Company:

Amelia is a gifted violinist who is in danger of quitting the Brissac Academy of Music. Julius arranges to have a scholarship given to her through his employee Tony so that Julius can escort Amelia to every musical event in the city. The trouble begins when he cannot meet her one night and Tony goes in his place. Tony believes that Julius and Amelia are a couple and then son Paul thinks that Tony and Amelia are a couple as he is sending her the money. The worst part is that Amelia might leave classical music for swing music with classmates Dusty, Joy and the band. - IMDb

Episode USA
Gyrna piso, agapi mou (transliterated title) Greece
Men on Her Mind USA
My Love Came Back Australia
My Love Came Back United Kingdom
My Love Came Back USA
De Nuevo el amor Spain
De Nuevo el amor Venezuela
Two Loves Have I USA
Любовь вернулась ко мне Russia

Children's Cast:

Ann Gillis [13] Valerie Malette
Jack Egger [12] Little Boy
Tommy Baker [15] Lookout Boy
