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Betrayed by Love (TV)

Betrayed by Love (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1994 January, 17
96 minutes
Drama / Thriller


FBI agent Jeff Avery hopes to move ahead in the Bureau by cracking down on crime in his rural assignment. One of his methods is the use of paid informants. One of these informants is the drug-abusing Deanna who decides that the married Jeff Avery is her ticket out of a bad life. They become lovers and eventually Deanna reveals she is pregnant. A threatened Avery snaps and then has to live with the consequences. - IMDb

Ai no giwaku Japan
Belle et innocente France
Betrayed by Love USA
Erotas kai prodosia (transliterated title) Greece
Förrådd av kärlek Sweden
La fuerza de la ambición Spain
Gyilkos szerelem Hungary
Pettävä rakkaus Finland
Trahie par l'amour Canada
Traída pelo Amor Portugal
Trampa al corazón Spain
Trügerische Liebe West Germany
Um Passo em Falso Brazil
Uwiedziona Poland
Vittima di un tradimento Italy
Измамен от любов Bulgaria
Преданная любовь Russia

Children's Cast:

Rachel Duncan [8] Shelley
