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Boon (TV series 1986-1992)

Boon (United Kingdom)

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Ken Boon and Harry Crawford are two middle-aged ex-firemen who start out in business together, initially in Birmingham and later in Nottingham. During the seven series (1986-1992), Ken works his way up from odd-job man to private investigator while Harry runs two hotels, a ballroom, a country club and finally a security firm. Over the years they are assisted by Doreen Evans, Rocky Cassidy, Debbie Yates, Margaret Daly, Laura Marsh and Alex Wilton. - IMDb

Boon Canada
Boon France
Boon United Kingdom
Boon Singapore
Boon USA
Boon South Africa
Бун Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Josh Maguire [6] Daniel Newsome (TV Episode: Message in a Bottle) (1992)
Gregory Chisholm Greg Willis (TV Episode: Bully Boys) (1990)
Samantha Morton [14] Mandy (TV Episode: Cab Rank Cowboys) (1991)
