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The Shaggy Dog

The Shaggy Dog (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1959 March, 19
104 minutes
Family / Comedy / Fantasy
Production Company:


Through an ancient spell, a boy changes into a sheepdog and back again. It seems to happen at inopportune times and the spell can only be broken by an act of bravery.... - IMDb

Boku wa Moku-Inu Japan
Egy Bozontos eb Hungary
Enas malliaros skylos Greece
Enas paraxenos detective (transliterated title) Greece
El Extraño caso de Wilby Spain
Felpudo, Cão Feiticeiro (dubbed version) Brazil
Felpudo, o Cão Feiticeiro Brazil
Gauruotas šuo Lithuania
Der Geheimnisvolle Struppi Austria
Geremia, cane e spia Italy
Hvem sagde vov? Denmark
Jeremie, chien et espion (promotional title) France
Koiruutta kerrakseen Finland
Kudravi pas (literal title) Yugoslavia
Na psa urok Poland
El Perro humano (original subtitled version) Argentina
El Perro humano Mexico
El Perro Lanudo Chile
Quelle vie de chien Canada
Quelle vie de chien! France
Quelle vie de chien! Belgium
Shaggy ä' de' du de'? Sweden
The Shaggy Dog Australia
The Shaggy Dog Canada
The Shaggy Dog United Kingdom
The Shaggy Dog India
The Shaggy Dog USA
Der Unheimliche Zotti West Germany
Ενας μαλλιαρός σκύλος Greece
Кудлатий пес Ukraine
Лохматый пес Soviet Union
ボクはむく犬 Japan

Children's Cast:

Kevin Corcoran [9] Moochie (Montgomery) Daniels
Mark Rodney Kid at Dance
