In 1212, a Children's Crusade is launched after Jacques (John Fordyce) claims to have had a vision in which it is said that the innocence of children would be able to liberate Jerusalem. A monk, returning from Jerusalem, joins the crusade and hears the children's confessions, gradually realizing that most of them are not taking part not for religious, but for more worldly reasons, like rejected love. Both Alexander (Mathieu Carriere) and Bianca (Pauline Challoner) are in love with Jakob. Alexander, who has learned that his adoptive father (and his lover), Count Ludwig (Ferdy Mayne), also a crusader, had killed Alexander's Greek parents, is gleeful that Jakob himself is in love with the Count, whom he had met after the Count and Alexander had split after an argument. This allows Alexander to take revenge for the Count's infidelity by telling his beloved Jakob about the Count's recent demise by drowning in a river, watched by an unmoved Alexander. Finally, it is revealed in Jakob's confession that Jakob received the inspiration for the crusade not from God but from the Count, which means that the crusade must fail, since it is not by the will of God. However, the monk is unable to stop the children's progression and is left behind.
Действие картины разворачивается во время крестового похода детей, когда в 1212 году в пропагандистских целях была запущена идея о том, что Иерусалим может быть освобожден руками невинных детей. Присоединившийся к походу монах постепенно понимает, что многие принимают в нем участие вовсе не по религиозным мотивам, да и само предприятие запущено вовсе не по воле бога. Он считает, что поход должен быть прекращен. Но, будучи не в силах остановить движение детей, покидает их.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 0% | 0 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 100% | 1 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
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Bramy raju | Poland |
La croisade des enfants | France |
La croisade maudite | France |
Gates to Paradise | Australia |
Gates to Paradise | United Kingdom |
Gates to Paradise | USA |
A Paradicsom kapui | Hungary |
Die Pforten des Paradieses | West Germany |
Vrata raja | Yugoslavia |
Врата рая | Russia |
Jenny Agutter [15] | Maud de Cloyes | |
Mathieu Carrière [17] | Alexis Melissen |