In Sidney Lumet's harrowing portrayal of police brutality, Detective Sergeant Johnson (Sean Connery) has been with the British Police Force for 20 years. In that time, the countless murders, rapes and other serious crimes he has had to investigate has left a terrible mark on him. His anger and aggression that had been suppressed for years finally surfaces when interviewing a suspect, Baxter (Ian Bannen), whom Johnson is convinced is the man that has been carrying out a series of brutal attacks on young girls. Throughout the interview Johnson brutally beats Baxter and during this ordeal he inadvertently reveals that the state of his own mind is probably no better than that of the offenders who committed the crimes that disgusted Johnson originally. - David Claydon, IMDb
За 20 лет службы в полиции детектив Джонсон повидал много такого, от чего может расстроиться психика: убийства, грабежи, изнасилования и еще бог знает что. Однажды по время очередного допроса у него возникает нервный срыв и он руками забивает до смерти подозреваемого в растлении малолетних. Позже, придя в себя и проанализировав происшедшее, Джонсон осознает, что и сам не слишком отличается от своих «клиентов». Теперь он понимает, что жить, как прежде он уже не сможет…
Afti einai i istoria mou (transliterated title) | Greece |
Agresja | Poland |
Até os Deuses Erram | Brazil |
Blodstenkte skygger | Norway |
Delictul | Romania |
Forhøret | Denmark |
Hasta los dioses se equivocan | Mexico |
Az Igazság ereje | Hungary |
Ikari no keiji | Japan |
L'inspecteur Johnson enquête | Canada |
O Delito | Portugal |
La ofensa | Spain |
The Offence | Australia |
The Offence | Canada |
The Offence | Ecuador |
The Offence | France |
The Offence | United Kingdom |
The Offence | USA |
Övergreppet | Finland |
Övergreppet | Sweden |
Painostus | Finland |
Riflessi in uno specchio scuro | Italy |
Sein Leben in meiner Gewalt | West Germany |
A Sérelem | Hungary |
Something Like the Truth | United Kingdom |
Şüphe Peşinde | Turkey |
A Támadás | Hungary |
Urázka | Czechoslovakia |
Αυτή είναι η ιστορία μου | Greece |
Образа | Ukraine |
Оскорбление | Soviet Union |
Престъплението | Bulgaria |
怒りの刑事 | Japan |
Maxine Gordon | Janie Edmonds, the Raped Girl |