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Hands of a Murderer (TV)

Hands of a Murderer (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1990 May, 16
United Kingdom
90 minutes
Mystery / Action / Adventure


When Professor Moriarty escapes the gallows - literally in a puff of smoke - Sherlock Holmes finds himself once again in pursuit of his old nemesis. Soon after the escape, Holmes' brother Mycroft asks him to work at identifying a leak in British Intelligence. Uncharacteristically, he refuses to help until he realizes that Moriarty is behind the missing State secrets. He learns that a very seductive woman, Sophy DeVere, has been hypnotizing one of Mycroft's young assistants to steal the information. When Moriarty is unable to decode the secret message he has stolen, he kidnaps Mycroft in order to get the information. - IMDb

A Gyilkos keze Hungary
Hands of a Murderer USA
Hands of a Murderer United Kingdom
Las manos de un asesino Spain
La main de l'assassin France
La main du meurtrier France
En morders hænder Denmark
Sherlock Holmes and the Prince of Crime  
Sherlock Holmes muß sterben West Germany
Руки убийцы Russia
Руки убийцы Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Daniel Newman [14] Wiggins
