In this intriguing drama, the disenfranchised residents of a small town in Kazakistan in 1946 form the social backdrop for a young boy's awakening to poverty and reality. Vania's father is an artist who came back from World War II with a brain injury and only one arm, both of which take their toll. A woman whom his father loves cannot adjust to a life without her husband (who left her) and succumbs to the effects of depression. Meanwhile, the townspeople have one source of enjoyment: they capture and sell pigeons in a kind of competitive one-upmanship. When Vania finds a white dove, he is especially excited; he has just beat out everyone else with this unusual specimen. But the dove is stolen and the consequences lead to some new lessons for a young boy who is already beset with problems. - Eleanor Mannikka, All Movie Guide
Осень, 1946 год. Маленький городок в западном Казахстане. Голуби - одна из самых ярких примет послевоенного счастливого детства. Однажды появилась над городом прекрасная белая голубка. Едва не погибнув, Иван словил Белую. И сразу же стал центром внимания "голубиных мафиози"...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 27% | 4 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 7% | 1 |
7 | 13% | 2 |
6 | 13% | 2 |
5 | 13% | 2 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 7% | 1 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 20% | 3 |
15 |
La colombe sauvage | France |
La colombe Sauvage | France |
Die Fremde Weiße | East Germany |
Galambok | Hungary |
Obca, Biała i Pstrokaty | Poland |
Le pigeon sauvage (original subtitled version) | France |
Someone Else's White and the Speckled | |
Den vilda duvan | Sweden |
Villikyyhky | Finland |
Die Weiße Taube | East Germany |
Wild Pigeon | |
Чужая Белая и Рябой | Russia |
Чужая белая и рябой | Russia |
Чужая белая и рябой | Soviet Union |
Vyacheslav Ilyushchenko | Ivan |