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Drake and Josh Go Hollywood (TV)

Drake and Josh Go Hollywood (USA)
Drake and Josh Go Hollywood: The Movie (Australia)
Drake and Josh Go to Hollywood (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2006 January, 6
120 minutes
Adventure / Comedy / Crime / Family
Production Company:


Video (1)

Josh's first assignment in his creative writing program is to write a typed report/paper about his greatest adventure. Meanwhile Drake and Josh's parents leave to go on a ten-day cruise, leaving Drake and Josh in charge. But when Drake and Josh accidentally reverse the flight number, sending her to Los Angeles International Airport (flight 647) instead of Denver. Her brothers find out the mistake and follow her on another plane. Upon arriving in Los Angeles, Megan uses her parents' credit card to order a limousine to take her to an expensive hotel and book a presidential suite. Before finding out, however, the brothers wait to see Megan's plane take off. When the brothers arrive in Los Angeles, they go out to find their sister and get her to Denver. At this moment, several criminals enter the suite and attempt to take the G-O. It's up to Drake and Josh to foil the bad guys, and get to the TRL studio in time. - IMDb

Drake & Josh: Rumo a Hollywood Brazil
Drake and Josh Go Hollywood USA
Drake and Josh Go Hollywood: The Movie Australia
Drake and Josh Go to Hollywood United Kingdom
Drake et Josh à Hollywood France
Drake i Josh jadą do Hollywood Poland
Дрейк и Джош в Голливуде Russia
Дрейк пен Джош Голливудта Kazakhstan
Дрейк та Джош у Голлівуді Ukraine

Children's Cast:

Miranda Cosgrove [12] Megan Parker
