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Daniel and the Superdogs

Daniel and the Superdogs (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2004 June, 2
United Kingdom
102 minutes
Drama / Family


Eleven-year-old Daniel (Matthew Harbour) is feeling abandoned. His mother died a few months ago and his father Mark (Patrick Goyette), still reeling from the shock, has buried himself in his work. That doesn't leave much time for Daniel and a rift of mutual incomprehension grows between son and father. Happily, Daniel can count on his best friends Colin (William Phan) and William (Wyatt Bowen), with whom he hangs around regularly and with whose help he is training an abandoned dog for the Superdog show.
His relationship with April (Annie Bovaird), a girl his age whose mother runs a dog pound, isn't nearly as happy. When all is said and done, however, Daniel manages to reawaken his optimism and his taste for life.

У Дэниела недавно умерла мать, и он, чтобы отойти от этой трагедии, все время посвящает тренировкам терьера Джипси. В этом ему помогают его друзья Колин и Уильям. Все они надеются на то, что Джипси сможет когда-нибудь принять участие в конкурсе Суперсобака. Но когда они попадают в неприятности, отец Дэниела запрещает ему видеться с друзьями, обвиняя тех в плохом влиянии. Но друзья решают не сдаваться...

Daniel and the Superdogs Canada
Daniel and the Superdogs United Kingdom
Daniel and the Superdogs USA
Daniel e la gara dei supercani Italy
Daniel és a szuperkutyák Hungary
Daniel et les Superdogs Canada
Daniel şi căţeii fantastici Romania
Даниэль и суперпсы Russia

Children's Cast:

Annie Bovaird April
Jamie Scavone Italian Boy
Matthew Harbour [14] Daniel Forest
William Phan [11] Colin
Wyatt Bowen William (English version)
