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Der Mann von nebenan (TV)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2002 March, 19
92 minutes
Production Company:

The newly divorced Kate moves with her son to a small village in Bavaria. There she befriends three women who have a common interest: the three hat their neighbor Willi Mattuschek. Kate doesn't understand the reason for that until one day she finds the body of a woman while jogging. The supposed peace of the village begins to crumble. Soon, Kate begins to feel threatened and everything that seemed normal at first now feels strange. When Kate discovers the true nature of her neighbor she decides to join the three women in their plans. - IMDb

Der Mann von nebenan West Germany

Children's Cast:

Simon Beckord [12] Luca
Clemens Jakubetz [12] Samuel Allgöwer
