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Switched at Birth (TV)

Switched at Birth (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1991 April, 28
176 minutes


Video (1)

This is the story of the two babies who were switched at birth. A few years later when one of the girls gets sick and tests revealed that she was not the daughter of the couple who raised her. Eventually she dies. And the couple most especially the mother, search for their real daughter. Eventually they suspect that it's a widower who has their child. Now while they try to find out if she is their daughter, the widower is advised by his attorney not to be so hasty to cooperate, cause if she is their daughter, he might lose her, and she is all he has. - IMDb

Babyswitch - Kind fremder Eltern West Germany
Die Babyverwechslung West Germany
Bebês Trocados Brazil
Berços Trocados Portugal
Cambiadas al nacer Spain
Cambiadas al nacer Peru
Confusion tragique France
Cseregyerekek Hungary
Il destino nella culla Italy
Elcserélt életek Hungary
Erehdyksen hinta Finland
Switched at Birth Australia
Switched at Birth Canada
Switched at Birth Ecuador
Switched at Birth United Kingdom
Switched at Birth Japan
Switched at Birth USA
Väärät vanhemmat Finland
Vieti furate Romania
Zamienione przy urodzeniu Poland
Арлина и Кимберли Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Ariana Richards [11] Kimberly Mays, Age 9-11
Bethany Richards [7] Kim Mays, Age 4-6
Alyson Hannigan [17] Gina Twigg, Age 13-16
Allison Mack [8] Normia Twigg, Age 6
Grant Gelt [11] Ernie Twigg, Age 11-14
Erika Flores [12] Arlena Twigg, Age 9-11
