In post-WWII South Carolina, a young woman named Anney gives birth to an illegitimate child, nicknamed Bone. A few years later, Anney marries the seemingly decent Glen, who does not get along with Bone. Annie's miscarriage of a boy enrages her husband, who, behind his wife's back, begins to physically abuse Bone on a regular basis. After Anney discovers what her husband has been doing, she leaves Glen. But her need for a man's love eventually compels her to return to Glen, setting the stage for a heinous incident between Glen and his stepdaughter. As a result, a rift forms between mother and daughter -- that may never be healed. - Yahoo
Драматическая история Боун и Энни, матери и дочери из Южной Каролины. Они никак не могут найти общий язык, а когда в их семью входит новый ухажер матери, то ситуация накаляется до предела. Энни считает, что Глен - ее последний шанс стать замужней, но Глен жестоко обращается с Боун и испытывает к ней интерес сексуального характера...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 25% | 3 |
9 | 8% | 1 |
8 | 8% | 1 |
7 | 17% | 2 |
6 | 8% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 8% | 1 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 25% | 3 |
12 |
Abuso a la inocencia | Argentina |
Bastard Out of Carolina | Mexico |
Bastard Out of Carolina | Philippines |
Bastard Out of Carolina | Singapore |
Bastard Out of Carolina | USA |
Bastard Out of Carolina | South Africa |
Bastard Out of Carolina | Australia |
Bastard Out of Carolina | Canada |
Bastard Out of Carolina | Ecuador |
Bastard Out of Carolina | France |
Bastard Out of Carolina | United Kingdom |
Bastard Out of Carolina | Indonesia |
Bastard Out of Carolina | India |
Bastard Out of Carolina | Italy |
La bastarda de Carolina (cable TV title) | Argentina |
Bękart z Karoliny | Poland |
Le cercle du silence | Canada |
Don't Cry Mommy | South Korea |
Embracing a Cold Moment (literal English title) | Japan |
Horungen | Sweden |
Kopile iz Caroline | Croatia |
Marcas do silêncio | Brazil |
Schmutzige liebe | West Germany |
Schutzlos - schatten über Carolina | West Germany |
Viattomuuden loppu | Finland |
Viikonloppu maalla | Finland |
Ублюдок из Каролины | Russia |
冷たい一瞬を抱いて | Japan |
Christina Ricci [16] | Dee Dee | |
Jena Malone [11] | Ruth Anne 'Bone' Boatwright | |
Kelsey Elizabeth Boulware | Bone at age 4 | |
Lindley Mayer | Reese | |
Jamison Stewart | Grey | |
Timothy Stewart | Garvey |