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Knofje (TV series)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2002 December, 26
60 minutes

Knofje is a 6 episodes series for children aged 3 to 8. Knofje, a 4 and a half years old girl, experiences little adventures in and around her house. Knofje plays hide-and-seek in the kitchen together with her pregnant mother and her cuddle toy's. She sleeps on the attic of the house in a hut made out of cloth which her father built. She helps her mother furnishing the room for her new brother or sister. On the way home from the bakery, she finds a dead fly. She wants to bury the fly with her grandmother. Every episode is a short story in which Knofje explores the world around her.

Knofje Netherlands

Children's Cast:

Sterre Herstel [7] Knofje (TV Episode: Duimen) (2002)
