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Ya vernus (mini)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2009 September, 14
624 minutes
Production Company:

A mini series (12 episodes). It is a feature film yet it is based on real events of the World War II. The protagonist is a young woman called Maria Rastopchin. The Nazi army is advancing, and Maria isstranded in the part of Russia occupied by the Nazi army. At the age of 16 Maria is sent forcibly by Nazis to Germany to be a slave laborer. Yet after many ordeals she manages to return to her homeland,Soviet Union, and to reunite with her family and with the man who was her first love. The stories of the other members of the Rastopchin family also are told in the series. The father, an university professor, was arrested during the Stalin purges and sent to Gulag. The mother was killed by a stray bullet during a battle. Their threedaughters - Maria and her sisters - are survivors by nature, and the war can't break their spirit. Yet every sister must discover her own way to become a mature person, to find her own true love and her true destiny in life. - IMDb

Сериал рассказывает историю трех сестер Растопчиных, попавших в страшный апокалипсис в период Великой Отечественной войны.

Я вернусь Russia

Children's Cast:

Ivan Sukhanov [11] boy from orphanage
Ulyana Vorozheikina [9]
Polina Rakhlenko [12] Tanya
