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Arizona Manhunt

Arizona Manhunt (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1951 September, 15
60 minutes
Production Company:

One of a series of three B-westerns, known as The Rough Ridin' Kids series, made by Republic under the mistaken impression that kids wanted to see westerns with kids as the leads. There are also those who believe this series was made in order for company president Herbert J. Yates to give his brother-in-law Rudy Ralston something to do beyond being the brother of Mrs. Herbert J. Yates. This one has Sheriff Tom White and his insipid deputy Jim Brown dispatching outlaw Scar Willard and capturing his brother Pete Willard and also his young foster daughter Judy. Pete is thrown in jail and Judy is nursed back to health by Jane Rowan and taught respect for law and order by the sheriff's grandson Red. Enter gang moll Clara Drummond who breaks Pete out of jail, and they kidnap Judy, as she is the only one who knows where Scar hid the robbery loot. - IMDb

Arizona Manhunt Canada
Arizona Manhunt United Kingdom
Arizona Manhunt USA
Foragido da Lei Brazil

Children's Cast:

Eilene Janssen [13] Judy Dawson
Michael Chapin [15] 'Red' White
