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A Day's Work

A Day's Work (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2008 January, 28
17 minutes
Short / Drama
$ 20 000

What was a typical job escalates into a violent argument in this heart-stopping drama. Enrique is a young man far from home trying to make a living wage as a day laborer on the streets of Los Angeles. He thinks he has finally caught a break when Marcus and Kathy pick him up, along with two other immigrant laborers, to help them move. On the job Enrique meets and befriends their teenage son Zack as he helps pack up his childhood room. But things quickly take a turn for the worst when Marcus attempts to pay the men with a check, unaware that day laborers are often cheated out of their wages with bad checks. Asimple misunderstanding explodes into a violent standoff with Enrique stuck in the middle. "A Day's Work" examines the hopes and fears inherent to the immigrant story, both on the part those crossing the border and those willing to take advantage of the influx of cheap labor. When violence erupts, the prejudices of all involved are brought to light and mistrust, assumption and language stand as barriers to an easy resolution. - IMDb

A Day's Work USA

Children's Cast:

Carter Jenkins [16] Zack
