Some time ago three total strangers participated in a cheesecake commercial. A mother, a father and a son were simply having tea at a dinner table, but for the boy from a dysfunctional family the shot where they were eating a cake together became an obsession; he dreams about another “family” gathering at the same table. Alyosha does not care that his “mom”, Natalia, has been married for a long time, and that his “dad”, Mikhail, has a girlfriend. He is ready for the most horrible actions in order to get himself parents that he wants.
Трое незнакомых друг с другом людей – актриса Наташа, врач Михаил и 13-летний мальчик Алеша – снялись в рекламном ролике торта "Чизкейк". За уютным обеденным столом пьют чай папа, мама и сын. Мама передает сыну кусок чизкейка на лопаточке. Все улыбаются друг другу, все счастливы... Прошло время, и каждый из участников съемки попытался вернуться к обычной жизни, но всё пошло совсем не так, как они того хотели. Герои не подозревали, что их судьба уже предопределена. "Чизкейк" сыграл с ними злую шутку, жестоко перекроив привычную реальность...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 33% | 6 |
9 | 11% | 2 |
8 | 6% | 1 |
7 | 11% | 2 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 6% | 1 |
4 | 11% | 2 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 6% | 1 |
1 | 17% | 3 |
18 |
Cheesecake | United Kingdom |
Cheesecake | USA |
Cheesecake | |
Chizkejk (alternative transliteration) | Russia |
Чизкeйк | Russia |
Чизкейк | Russia |
Pavel Melenchuk [14] | Alyosha | |
Sofya Larina [13] | girl in bus |
24 Nov 2010, 19:28
This movie shows how far a determined neglected child would go to find some stability in his/her life. Powerful cinematography, it will mislead you in times to come to an early conclusion but it still keeps you wondering. Melenchuk shines in this movie. In general this is a good movie with good acting and interesting story line. Rating: 9/10 |