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The Happy Time

The Happy Time (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1952 October, 30
94 minutes
Production Company:

Spring inspires lessons in love and life for a French family in 1920s Ottawa, especially for teenage Robert, who's blind to the attentions of an American neighbor girl, because he's infatuated with the beautiful new maid, fleeing life as a magician's assistant. Robert's mother bemoans some of the Bonnard family male role models available to Robert: his party animal grandfather, roguish traveling salesman uncle Desmond, and an uncle who carries a water cooler filled with wine everywhere while his wife does all the work. As Desmond's temporarily off the road, he also targets the maid. - IMDb

The Happy Time United Kingdom
The Happy Time USA
Hela världen är förälskad Sweden
Den lykkelige tid Denmark
Maldita Primavera Portugal
Mein Sohn entdeckt die Liebe Austria
Mein Sohn entdeckt die Liebe West Germany
Mi hijo se enamora Mexico
O Amor, Sempre o Amor Brazil
Onnen aika Finland
Otan xypnoun oi pothoi (transliterated title) Greece
Sacré printemps Belgium
Sacré printemps France
Szczęśliwy czas Poland
Tempo felice Italy
Un beso en la noche Argentina
De Verduivelse lente Belgium
Zile fericite Romania

Children's Cast:

Bobby Driscoll [15] Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard
