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Ngoi di sai gaai

The Story of My Son (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1990 September, 28
Hong Kong
75 minutes
Production Company:

Li Tzu-Liang is returning to Hong Kong with the ashes of his wife. He now has to bring up his two sons on his own. Though he is quite well-off, he his plagued by debts and when he loses a large sum of money betting on horses, he has to turn to dangerous loan-sharks. Here starts a spiral which gets him and his two sons deeper and deeper into trouble. - IMDb

После смерти жены отец двух сыновей не находит ничего лучше, чем увлечься азартными играми.

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Ngoi di sai gaai Hong Kong
The Story of My Son United Kingdom
The Story of My Son Singapore
The Story of My Son USA
The Story of My Son  
The Story of My Son Hong Kong
История моего сына Russia
愛的世界 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Kun-Hsuan Huang [12] Jian
