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Here Come the Double Deckers! (TV series)

Here Come the Double Deckers! (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1970 September, 12
United Kingdom
30 minutes
Family / Comedy

Photos (1)

The adventures of a gang of seven kids whose clubhouse is an abandoned double decker bus in a London junkyard. Usually involves a bit of singing, a bit of dancing and general fun times. - IMDb

L'autobus à impériale France
El Clan de los pilluelos Spain
El Clan de los pilluelos Venezuela
De Club van de dubbeldekkers (informal literal title) Netherlands
De Dubbeldekkertjes (informal literal title) Netherlands
Here Come the Double Deckers! Australia
Here Come the Double Deckers! Canada
Here Come the Double Deckers! West Germany
Here Come the Double Deckers! United Kingdom
Here Come the Double Deckers! Japan
Os Sete no Autocarro Portugal
A Turma do Barulho Brazil

Children's Cast:

Michael Audreson [14] Brains (TV Episode: A Hit for a Miss) (1970)
Brinsley Forde [17] Spring
