Set in a Nepali village, Nabarsiyeko Jhari (A Silent Monsoon) reveals Durga's (Nisha Sharma Pokharel) struggle to save her twelve-year-old daughter Laxmi (Anisha Thapaliya) from their profession of prostitution. Since her sister Parvati (Sarita Giri) is the only breadwinner, Durga's mother (Subhadra Adhikari) decides to initiate Laxmi to save their hut from being taken by a moneylender. Durga, however, wants Laxmi to get an education and become a teacher. She wants to send Laxmi away with the brother of a schoolteacher, Aasha (Aruna Karki). Her brother Anil (Bhupen Chand) and his boss, Ram (Suresh Chand) are looking for a maid for Ram's pregnant wife. However, Aasha fears of severe consequences if the villagers find out that she helped the prostitutes. Durga promises to keep it a secret. As night falls and the monsoon clouds gather, will Durga be able to fight the society and her fate, and set Laxmi free? - IMDb