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Dolina miru

Valley of Peace (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1956 July, 23
82 minutes
Drama / War
Production Company:

Photos (3)

A boy (9 years?) and a rather younger girl lost their families in an air raid. They have heard about a valley where there is always peace and fancy that this is the house of the boy's uncle. They start wandering for the valley. At the same time an airplane is shot down and the black American pilot jumped by parachute. He finds the children at a ford. There is absolutely no danger. But the girl is standing in the middle of the river, scared and crying and neither daring to go forth or back. The pilot cannot abandon the children although they will reduce his chance of escaping. Both the Germans and the partisans know that the pilot had survived. Who will find him first? Several things happen in rapid succession. The children and the pilot find the uncle's house, which had since a long time been abandoned. The Germans arrive and catch the pilot. The partisans attack and liberate the pilot, who joins them. But during the fight he is soon deadly wounded and orders the children to run away. Then the house explodes. The children conclude that this was the wrong valley and decide to continue to search for the right and peaceful one. - IMDb

Мальчик и девочка потеряли семьи во время воздушного налета. Они услышали о долине, где есть всегда мир и вообразили, что это — дом дяди мальчика. Они начинают свой путь до долины. В то же самое время подбит самолет, и американский пилот успевает выскочить с парашютом. Он находит детей у брода на реке…

A Béke völgye Hungary
Het dal van de vrede Belgium
Het dal van de vrede Netherlands
Dolina mira Serbia
Dolina mira (literal title) Yugoslavia
Dolina miru Slovenia
Dolina miru Yugoslavia
Dolina pokoju Poland
Fredens dal Denmark
Fredens dal Sweden
Laskuvarjojääkäri Finland
Mr. Jim - American, Soldier and a Gentleman  
Peace Valley  
Sergeant Jim  
Den svarta fallskärmsjägaren Sweden
Valea pacii Romania
El Valle de la paz Argentina
El Valle de la paz Spain
El Valle de la paz Mexico
La valle della pace Italy
La vallée de la paix Belgium
La vallée de la paix France
Valley of Peace United Kingdom
Valley of Peace USA
Valley of Peace  
平和の谷 Japan

Children's Cast:

Tugo Stiglic [9] Marko
Evelyne Wohlfeiler Lotti
