Nachttocht is a dutch film originally released for TV. Directed by Nick van den Boezem the movie tells the story of the 12 years old Thomas ( Abel Claassen) and his quest for friendship and love. He takes rowing lessons and is really fond of his teacher who according to his mother is unlike the bullies trainers in the other clubs and really knows how to work with children. Thomas idolizes his trainer -- and when the boy discovers that the person he felt such a love for lied to him in order to sleep with his mother -- his heart is broken. Its hard for him to understand why his trainer would prefer to be intimate with his mother than to be with him as his friendship and love are pure.
Томас живёт один с матерью, отец их давно бросил и единственным близким другом для мальчика становится его тренер по гребле - Фрэнк. Когда же у Фрэнка начинается роман с матерью Томаса, тот расценивает это как предательство со стороны старшего друга. В порыве ревности мальчик пытается привлечь к себе внимание...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 26% | 6 |
9 | 4% | 1 |
8 | 13% | 3 |
7 | 30% | 7 |
6 | 4% | 1 |
5 | 4% | 1 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 17% | 4 |
23 |
Gece Yolculuğu | Turkey |
Nachttocht | Netherlands |
Night Trip | United Kingdom |
Night Trip | USA |
Night Trip |
Abel Claassen | Thomas |
3 Mar 2012, 18:44
This is truly a touching story. Abel has a huge depths of emotion that he is able to believably display on screen. I highly recommend this short movie to anyone. I just wish there were a high def version. The available version is DVD-R from a television broadcast, and thus is not a great quality. Rating: 8/10 |