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Flood Tide

Above All Things (United Kingdom)
Alone Together (USA)
The Dark Shore (USA)
Flood Tide (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1958 January, 22
82 minutes
Drama / Romance

The finding of a body on the beach leads to the conviction for murder of Bill Holleran (who claims innocence), thanks to the testimony of a 10-year-old boy, David Gordon. In flashback, Holleran's landlord Steve Martin recalls his prior involvement with David's widowed mother Anne, broken off because of the disabled boy's vindictive jealousy. Now that a man's life is at stake, Steve reluctantly re-enters the lives of the Gordons to find the truth. Is David a monster or just misunderstood? - IMDb

Above All Things United Kingdom
Above All Things Ireland
Above All Things South Africa
Alone Together USA
The Dark Shore USA
Escrito no Destino Portugal
Flood Tide Australia
Flood Tide USA
Golven der hartstocht Belgium
Das Herz ist stärker Austria
Das Herz ist stärker West Germany
Julma leikki Finland
Kardies sti thyella (transliterated title) Greece
Lo strano caso di David Gordon Italy
Na Maré do Destino Brazil
Den onda leken Sweden
Ressac de passion Belgium
Ressac de passion France
Le ressac des passions Canada
Stekkede vinger Norway

Children's Cast:

Michel Ray [13] David Gordon
Jerry Hartleben [11] Boy Playing Football
