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Strange Interlude

Strange Interlude (USA)
Strange Interval (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1932 July, 15
109 minutes
Production Company:
$ 654 000


The thoughts that people think are never the same as the words they speak - and in this movie, we can hear the thoughts. Gordon Shaw was a flyer who was shot down and killed during WWI. Nina would have married him before he left, but her father forbade the marriage. Charlie is a friend, but Nina does not love him and he is too timid- too shy - to tell her the way that he feels about her. Sam is her husband and her love disappears after the ceremony when she finds out that there is mental illness in his family and that there can be no children. To have the child she wants, but cannot have with Sam, she has a secret affair with Ned, who wants her to leave Sam. Gordon is the result of the affair, but he does not know Ned is his real father. Nina continues to play with the emotions of all three men and devote herself only to Gordon. - IMDb

Estranho Interlúdio Portugal
L'etrange interlude France
Extraño interludio Spain
Extraño intervalo Spain
Mentiras da Vida Brazil
Selsomt mellomspill Norway
Slobodna ljubav (literal title) Yugoslavia
Strange Interlude Canada
Strange Interlude Japan
Strange Interlude USA
Strange Interval  
Strange Interval United Kingdom
Strano interludio Italy
Странная интерлюдия Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Tad Alexander [9] Gordon as a Child
