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My Pal, the King

My Pal, the King (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1932 August, 4
74 minutes
Production Company:
$ 107 126

The King of a small European country, just a boy, takes an interest in Tom Reed's wild west show. Tom puts on a special show just for the King and the two become friends. When the King takes Tom's advise instead of the Count's, the Count has the King kidnaped planning to kill him. When Tom learns of the Kings disappearance he and his troop of men, without any real bullets for their guns, ride off to rescue him. - IMDb

Barátom a király Hungary
Cirkuskongen Denmark
Mein Freund, der König West Germany
Meu Amigo, o Rei Brazil
Mi amigo el rey Spain
Min vän kungen (premiere title) Sweden
Mon copain le roi France
My Pal, the King United Kingdom
My Pal, the King USA
O Cow-Boy e o Rei Portugal
O filos mou, o vasilias (transliterated title) Greece
Den stora kalabaliken Sweden
Tom Mix alla riscossa Italy
Zirkus Tom Mix Austria
護国の騎士 Japan

Children's Cast:

Mickey Rooney [11] King Charles V
