"True Confessions" was a short-lived dramatic anthology series which drew its stories from the pages of the magazine that bore the series title. These supposedly true stories usually told from the women's perspective often but not always related tales of romance, adultery, heartbreak, betrayal, lies and intrigue. Some stories could be tear-jerkers (such as a high school homecoming queen who ultimately dies of a rare disease); while others saw the woman gain strength from tough situations (such as a woman who left an abusive boyfriend); and still others had happily-ever-after endings (such as a father who, after spending time in an adulterous relationship, sees the errors of his ways and returns home to his grateful wife and family). The stories were introduced by host Bill Bixby and tended to use lesser-known actors and actresses in the roles. At the end of each show, viewers were invited to submit their own True Confessions story to said magazine. - IMDb